Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Liz & Dick but mostly Lindsay.

"She hated being called Liz, but she lived" - Elizabeth Taylor

Now, I'll be the first to admit I still love LiLo, I will always love LiLo. I grew up with LiLo. But this made me cringe...

Holy Shit, right? I mean she is the train wreck of the century but that video really puts that shit into perspective. And I really do think she has a talent to back her up, I just think she needed a lot more time attempting to get her shit together before trying to star as someone as legendary as Elizabeth Taylor (albeit it's a lifetime movie but whatever). It's premiering sometime at the end of this month but word on the street is it's basically being taken as an unintentional comedy... so bad it's good perhaps?

Whatever, I'll probably end up having a viewing party of it and recording it on DVR to rewatch because Lindsay will always be my favorite hot mess...

 I'm pretty sure Terry Richardson shot all of these, I know he definitely shot most.

Lindsay Lohan is the best kind of hot mess around. That is all.


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