Friday, May 4, 2012

That is not a drug. It’s a leaf!

"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself" - Bob Marley

I think everyone who knows me knows how much I love the sticky icky. I'm fortunate enough to live in a province and city that acknowledge the benefits of marijuana and are very lenient on the topic; I'm a member of The Vancouver Cannabis Dispensary and have been for almost a year how... I would be a complete liar to say that I don't just enjoy smoking pot, but since having my medical card (anxiety, insomnia and arthritis) I have said good-bye to the countless number of prescription medications I've been put on throughout the years.

And although I'm thankful for the physical and mental relief I've had from smoking, I think the most important thing I've gained from my experiences smoking marijuana is how heightened my spirituality and sense of self has become.

The culture in itself is amazing, I've never experienced a sesh full of anger and I've never seen anyone get too out of hand on a 4/20 celebration. Stoners are (for the most part) incredibly peaceful people who just want to mellow out. I have a hard time with legalization because I don't think the government knows what they're doing in terms of proper growing and curing techniques... I just want decriminalization. I want otherwise perfectly law-abiding citizens to stop being made to be criminals for partaking in a spiritual, medicinal or fun practice that harms no one.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand marijuana isn't for everyone and I respect that but I think the respect should only be returned in accepting that to some people it's been a miracle, maybe even a life saver. Of course I could go on and on correcting propaganda with facts but I'm hoping none of you believe any of the bullshit propaganda about marijuana anyway... and if you do, well then I think you're probably naive and ignorant.

Anyway the reason for this particular post is that I will be partaking in the Global Marijuana March this Saturday; The oh so trustful Wikipedia (Global Marijuana March Wikipedia) describes the march as a celebration embracing cannabis culture as a personal lifestyle choice. Participants unite to discuss, promote, entertain and educate both consumers and non-consumers alike.
I love pot culture, I support pot culture... I will be a stoner until I die, or unless life forces me to 'cut back'. Now go bust up some of that OG Kush or NY Sour Diesel, pack a fat bowl and light up... I'll be doing the same, and until next time I'll leave you with a classic song for smoking up...

Alix Kat

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